Past Question Exam Response 09:41Refer to at least two media areas in your answer. You should reference historical, contemporary and future media in your answer. How signi...Read More
Theorists Summary 09:37 David Gauntlett - arguing that we need to recognise the changing media landscape in which the categories of 'audiences' and 'pr...Read More
Extension Videos to watch Web 1.0. Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 The Past, The Present and The Future! 11:57Extension Videos to watch following lesson 1: Web 1.0. Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 The Past, The Present and The Future! WEB 4.0? ...Read More
TV in an Online Age & Marshall McLuhan 11:48 TV in an Online Age from npamediastudies Follow up reading More
Marc Prensky - Digital Natives 09:40Read this If you are feeling confident read this More
Past Questions 09:07 Your answer must refer to at least two media areas (e.g. TV, film, news, advertising…) historical , contemporary and future me...Read More
What did Social Networks look like in the 'olden days'? 08:53 What are the key d...Read More
Collaborative Prezi 09:51 Link to our Video Game Prezi Collaboration is good, and so is ...Read More
Ze Frank 11:08 Ze Frank Ze has been exploring online collaborative creativity for several years. It began in March 2001...Read More
Lesson 10: The Future 'Ooooo' 'Ahhhhh' 14:02 Using the information provided to you below you are tasked with creating a pitch that you will present that details the future of media. ...Read More
News Part 2 13:48 CREATE A CASE STUDY Choose a story or issue that you're interested in and create a case study that addresses the following; ...Read More
Lesson 9: News in the Online Age 08:31London Riot Link News in an Online Age from npamed...Read More
Lesson 8: Music in the Online Age 09:01The key points you need to consider with music in the online age... Read the following article More
Henry Jenkins and Convergence Culture 09:00 Below there are some passages from Henry Jenkins’ book, convergence culture, explaining what he means by convergence and participatory cult...Read More
Lesson 6: Fandom 08:23 Lesson 6 Fandom Media from npamediastudies Henry Jenkins from New Learning Institute on Vimeo .Read More
Lesson 5: Long Tail Research 09:00 How would you apply Anderson's theory to film / cinema? How much do we watch mainstream, blockbusting film (on whatever platform / i...Read More
Lesson 4: Audience Produced Media 12:43 Lesson 4: YouTube from npamediastudies Mash Ups • https:// Short Films / Film Sequences /...Read More
Lesson 3: Film in an Online Age 10:56 Lesson 3 Film in an Online Age from npamediastudies Slide 8 Video Slide 9 Link htt...Read More